PLATON runs on both the Intel and M1 MacOS platforms.

The easiest install is via downloading the file install_platon.tar.gz followed by running the terminal command:
sudo tar xvfz install_platon.tar.gz -C /
That will install the platon executable in /usr/local/bin and the required dynamic libraries in /opt/platon.
Test the proper working of PLATON with a testfile mame.cif with the instruction platon name.cif

Alternatively, PLATON can be compiled from the platon.f and xdrvr.c sources with the 10.2 or higher version of gfortran on the Intel & M1
platforms from the standard UNIX source code.

Compile as:
gfortran -o platon platon.f xdrvr.c -I/opt/X11/include -L/opt/X11/lib -lX11

For a detailed set of implementation instructions see: (Thanks to Tony Linden)

